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This is my last President’s Message. Where did the time go?
My service as GPS president marks a major milestone in my life– full of challenges that I could not have foreseen and collaborators I would never have met.
I find as I type this a new understanding of the meaning To Serve, it has been an honor and finally the answer to the question: “When is a good time to exit?”
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The Georgia Poetry Society has much potential. In my time of service, your leadership team took on a big step, bringing us into the twenty-first century.
We learned much about our history as we turned our eyes to the future. In my exit I have only gratitude for the trust that has been placed in me and the board to move us forward. To the next president I leave these words: Pick your contribution, focus on achieving it and exit with grace and gratitude.
Here’s to forty-four years of providing an outlet to the poetry community of Georgia. May we see at least forty-four more!
I leave you with this quote from Seth Godin: “When you get to where you are going . . . perhaps you should stop. Unless the going was the point.”